Jerry and Deborah Kermode
Jerry and Deborah are now retired from their business lives, but are still actively working with wood. The only changes post-retirement are that neither actively runs the business. Both still do woodworking, Jerry still turns for fun, and both are still active on the water.
As their post-retirement project they built a boat! Click here for more pictures of the Helen Mae
Below is our story, as it appeared here for years:
Jerry Kermode is a full time woodturner and teacher working out of his home studio in Sebastopol, California, with his partner and wife, Deborah.
During childhood summers spent in Huntington Beach, California, Jerry developed an early fascination with form and function, watching and surfing the waves and building miniature boats. Since then he has shaped surfboards, larger boats, world-class sailboard centerboards and houses, consistently bringing forms from the sea to his work.
During the early 1970s Jerry began incorporating his fascination with turning into his work while specializing in Victorian restoration and boat work in Santa Cruz, California. In 1978 Jerry and Deborah moved to Hawai‘i, where they continued their woodworking and remodeling business together while raising their son, Walker, and enjoying the openness of beach and sea at their feet. In 1984 Jerry began turning bowls from freshly harvested Hawaiian trees, becoming a full time turner in 1991. The bowl, or as it is called in Hawai‘i — the calabash — caught Jerry’s attention when a neighbor introduced him to native woods. The cherished calabash culture in the Islands was the perfect place to nurture his new passion.
Photo by Jessica Lin
Jerry and Deborah have developed their love of native woods and turning into a full time business. Jerry’s vessels are available nationally and he has become a much sought after teacher. Deborah administrates their company and burnishes the final waxing into the bowls.
In the summer of 2000 Jerry and Deborah came home to the cooler climate of Northern California, but this did not stop them from continuing their love affair with the sea and outdoors. Both can be seen zipping across Bodega Bay on their sailboards and Jerry is an avid surfer and mountain biker. Jerry plays guitar and sings, while Deborah practices yoga and dances hula. Son Walker has grown up, moved to Ashland, Oregon, married and become a professional bassoonist and teacher. He still surfs, windsurfs, bikes and skis. They all remain best of friends.
Shows & Awards
Family Tree — 65 Years of Woodworking in Northern California (Petaluma Arts Center)
CraftForms 2010 — Wayne Art Center
American Assoc. of Woodturners (Roots 2011, Maple Medley 2010, The Spindle 2009)
Selected Works, del Mano Gallery
Beneath the Bark: 25 Years of Woodturning (Brigham Young University Museum of Art)
Marin County Fair: 1st Place Woodturning
American Craft Council
Contemporary Crafts Market
Sausalito Art Festival
KPFA Christmas Craft Fair
Marin Art Festival
Marin Farmers Market
Art @ the Source & ARTrails Open Studios
Baulines Craft Guild, San Francisco
Highlight Gallery, Mendocino
Pacific Handcrafter’s Guild, Honolulu (awards)
Hawai‘i Dept. of Business & Economic Development
Honolulu Hale (City Hall)
Hawai‘i Craftsmen
Northwest Fine Woodworking, Seattle
Port of Oakland
Presentation to Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, President of Brazil
Presentation to Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex
Hawai‘i International Film Festival Golden Maile Awards 1990 thru 2000
Crazy Shirts Hawai‘i and Mainland Employee Incentive Awards 1994 thru 2000
Mauna Lani Bay Hotel; Ko‘olina Resort
Manoa Valley Theatre; Straub Clinic
Kapi‘olani and Castle Medical Centers
Punahou School; Campbell Estate
Yamaha Hawai‘i
American Association of Woodturners Permanent Collection
Contemporary Art Museum, Honolulu, HI
Charles A. Wustum Museum of Fine Arts, Racine, WI
Rude Osolnik
Dale Nish
Jeff Bernstein & Judy Chernoff
Bruce & Eleanor Heister
Ken Schaner
Governor and Mrs. John Waihe‘e
Punahou School President Rod McPhee
Rick Ralston, Crazy Shirts Ltd.
His Majesty King Taufa‘ahau Topou IV of Tonga
Beneath the Bark: Twenty-Five Years of Woodturning
Kip W. Christensen & Dale L. Nish
Utah Woodturning Symposium, Inc.
500 Wood Bowls
Katherine Aimone, Editor
Lark Books, Asheville, N.C.
The Ultimate Garage
By Jeanne Huber
Sunset Books Publishing
Woodworkers Journal Magazine
Woodturning Magazine, Great Britain
Crafts Report Magazine
San Francisco Chronicle
Baltimore Sun
Santa Rosa Press Democrat
Honolulu Advertiser & Star Bulletin
Windward Press, O‘ahu